Imoart - Mission, Vision and Values
Our mission is to make people feel comfortable, offering our clients a pleasant environment both at home and at work, through the supply and fitting of false ceilings, flooring, partitions, wall and floor coverings, indoor blinds, and acoustic and thermal insulation, placing all our experience, skills, integrity and creativity at our clients service.
Part of our mission is to develop a culture of shared values with clients and staff:
- Clearly defined values;
- Dedicated, skilled personnel;
- Shared profitability;
- Teamwork;
- High professional standards;
- Ongoing innovation and improvement.
We are market leaders in the fields in which we work and recognised internationally as an innovative, reliable company, focusing on results and committed to maintaining stable relationships with our clients, partners and staff.
- We believe that we are a company whose relationships with clients and suppliers is based on partnership and on the fulfilment of commitments;
- We believe in creating the conditions for having employees who are increasingly professional, educated and exacting.
- We believe in acting in accordance with the highest standards of ethical behaviour;
- We believe in making the partners investment as profitable as possible, adding value to the company's assets;
- We believe in providing for the welfare, safety and training of our staff, thereby promoting their dedication and personal fulfilment;
- We believe we are continuously seeking to increase the satisfaction of our clients through new products and services to match their current and future needs;
- We believe that we make a positive contribution to the social welfare and socio-economic development of the region where we work.